Document Folders

TIP: The "Organize" link at the top menu brings you to the Document Home Page.

Documents can be placed into folders to help you keep them organized. Create a new subfolder by right-clicking   (Ctrl-click on Mac) on any folder.

Right-clicking the "All Documents" folder to create a new subfolder. You can name the folder when it is created.
Right-click an existing folder to delete or rename it, or to create a new subfolder.

Drag and drop your documents into the desired folder using the blue 'handle' to the left of the document name.

Drag and Drop documents into folders

Folders can be nested many layers deep. Check the "Include documents in subfolders" box to see all documents in a selected folder's subfolders.

"Include documents in subfolders" box unchecked. The documents in subfolders will only be visible when their containing folder is selected.
"Include documents in subfolders" box checked. All documents in subfolders of the selected folder are visible.