Sample Documents

Problem-Attic produces beautiful documents!  Even better, you control the formatting.  With eight different document templates to choose from, and dozens of options for formatting individual questions, you’ll never feel like you’re just “teaching to the test”.  You can create warmups, exit tickets, class activities, games, problem-of-the-day calendars, and much more.

Note: this page shows the types of PDF documents that you can create—totally for free—just by signing up for Problem-Attic.  A school subscription is optional.  It provides additional ways to format and deliver questions, as a slidehow, online test, Google Form, or quiz for an LMS.  Click here to learn more.

Want to see the actual document in Problem-Attic?  That’s easy.  Just click the title below the image and you’ll get a “live” copy inside the program.  Then you can see how it’s created, and you can make changes to it.  You can also click on an image to enlarge it, or click the PDF icon to download and print the document.