Renewal Options for the 2024–2025 school year

The table below shows renewal options for next year.  This is for current subscribers to Problem-Attic.  As you can see, prices are based on school size and when you place an order.  If your school doesn’t yet subscribe, please see this page instead.

number of
regular price
(per year)
before 7/31
early renewal
before 5/31
2600 or more $ 1995 $ 1895 $ 1795
< 2600 $ 1895 $ 1795 $ 1695
< 2400 $ 1795 $ 1695 $ 1595
< 2200 $ 1695 $ 1595 $ 1495
< 2000 $ 1595 $ 1495 $ 1395
< 1800 $ 1495 $ 1395 $ 1295
< 1600 $ 1395 $ 1295 $ 1195
< 1400 $ 1295 $ 1195 $ 1095
< 1200 $ 1195 $ 1095 $  995
< 1000 $ 1095 $  995 $  895
<  800 $  995 $  895 $  795
<  600 $  895 $  795 $  695
<  400 $  795 $  695 $  595
<  200 $  695 $  595 $  495


  • The number of students is the total in grades 1–12. We don’t count Kindergarten or Pre-K. Also, we round down and usually consider a school to be in the next lower tier if its published enrollment number is within 20 of the cutoff.

  • The early renewal discount assumes you make payment or submit a purchase order by 5/31. If you request a quote before that date, but submit an order later, a different price will apply.

  • We realize some budgets don’t open up until the new school year. As long you request a quote before 7/31, we will honor the price in that column through September. Also, your subscription will stay live.

  • Additional discounts are available for a two-year subscription or for a quantity purchase (more than one school in a district). Please contact us for more details or for any special licensing situation.

Price quotes and ordering

You can now get a price quote online by going to this page:

To reach the price quote page, you will need to be logged into Problem-Attic and be associated with a subscribing school. Then all you have to do is confirm your address and phone number, tell us when you expect to place an order, and give an approximate enrollment number (see above). When you click the button at the bottom, a price quote will be emailed to you.


  • On the the price quote page, there is an option for specifying someone else as the “requester”. This is the best way to have the quote emailed to a purchasing secretary or administrator who doesn’t have a Problem-Attic account. You will be cc’d.

  • If you are not able to reach the price quote page, it may be because your district purchased the program last year and your school information is not in the system, or because a quote was already sent from our sales or support department. In that case, please email us at We’ll be happy to send a quote directly. (Don’t forget to tell us your enrollment and ordering date.)

  • If it’s not possible to place an order until next school year, we can do a courtesy renewal through the summer. The most important thing is to tell us your plans, either before or after you receive a price quote from us. If your school subscription is set to expire on 6/30, and it lapses, then teachers might lose data when we do our summertime maintenance.

Important: we moved our office.  If your school has been with us for a long time, you could have our old Georgia Street address on file. Here is a W9 form showing our new address. For orders and payments, it’s best to use our PO Box address. It is shown below and has not changed.

Please contact us if you have questions about what’s included in a school subscription, or what features are coming out in the new year. We appreciate your support of the program!

EducAide Software
PO Box 1048
Vallejo, CA 94590
800-669-9405 phone
707-554-9600 fax